Da Masterminds...
Aha! So finally v have it all under wraps. Personally, v thought the site was never gonna get done but look where v r now. It may not be the best site on the web but hey! v gave it all v got! Now y don't v tell you who exactly "we" are?
Howdy all! This is Maria n Sarah Afridi n v'r HUUUUUUUUGE Backstreet fans! Well, u probably knew that but what the heck?!?
And DO take some time 2 voice ur opinions in the Guest Book n send in those profiles! Have fun lookin! N remember, Backstreet Boyz definitely got it goin on!!!
1> The Backstreet Boys, where would this world be without them? Thanx for such great music, guys! And if you feel we've offended you here, we're really sorry but our intentions were clear and how could guys like YOU possibly mind?
2> Ruthann Price, the best, sweetest, loveliest, most Backstreet loving aunt anyone could ever ask for.
3> Dani, who's recently discovered that she's related to AJ McLean. No diggin!
4> Missy, the bestest walnut in the whole wide world. Thanx for alwayz being there!
5> Lee, the only person who could possibly teach me Spanish! Hey puta, I wuv ya! And sorry, couldn't get THOSE Backstreet pix ;)
6> Stefan, the best buddy I have. Even though he thinks Backstreet sux big time, he's got a Nick wallpaper on his laptop and around, 10 BSB shirts!!! Don't "Dankishuen" me, Stef, it's alright.
Sarosh, Toobz, Ali Pony, TJ, Adil, Tony, Kris, Momo, Abby, Honey, Muchi, Ho-duh, Nara, Ammo, Sareefa, As-if, D, Hammad Bhai, Saddo, Fuzz, Mahvy, Ang, Leslie, 'Dullah, Henna, Rach, Shan, Tom, Kim, Jeremy, Hamz, Aaron, Nats, Hafs, Samarah, Mamoon, Salik, Amanda, 'Baz, Sarmad, Adeel, Adnan, Wahabullah, Kevin, Ollie, Moiz, Cheema, Bushy, Muzammil, Brett
For more pix...